Childhood Years

Fay Lesley Allan was born on 20th September 1972 in Glasgow to mum Sheila and dad Malcolm.  Her sister Heather was born in January 1975.

Even in early childhood, Fay started to show her determination and courage.  At age five, she lost her hearing in one ear due to contracting mumps.  It was something she dealt with bravely as a child and continued to do so her whole life, always politely and patiently dealing with people’s varying reactions towards her hearing impairment, and always thinking of everyone else’s feelings.

Fay grew up in the family home at 44 Robslee Road in Glasgow and she attended Robslee Primary School from 1977-1984, and Woodfarm High School from 1984-1990.

At primary school, she played in music groups, was in the netball team, and loved to get involved with the school shows.  She was once asked to compose a song (music and lyrics) to be sung at an autumn harvesting assembly when she was in primary 7 – of course she did it brilliantly!

During her Woodfarm High School years, Fay’s interest in music continued to develop.  She played the recorder, trombone and saxophone, regularly appeared on the school stage singing or playing an instrument, and in the S6 show she played Aunt Em in the Wizard of Oz.  At one point she organised a balloon release for charity, and memories abide of a giggling group trying to contain masses of blown up balloons under a sheet before finally releasing them and watching them fly into the sky over the high school.

Fay also enjoyed English in high school, one of the highlights being the Shakespeare trip to Stratford with her friends Emma, Isla and Shorty.




More about Fay's childhood years

Woodfarm High School 1984-1990

Fay made the most of her time at high school; excelling in her exams and also getting fully involved in the music and drama activities. learn more

Robslee Primary 1977-1984

A multi-talented girl from a young age. learn more

Fundraising Summer Fayre with celebrity autographs

1989’s summer event was a huge success thanks to Fay’s latest fundraising idea.  Tapping into the interests of her peer group, she came up with a clever way to engage everyone in her event. learn more

1988 Balloon release and fame in the local newspaper

Fame at last!  Fay’s efforts were recognised in the “Extra”, the local newspaper for Glasgow South and Eastwood. learn more

Fay’s artwork

Fay enjoyed creating art using a variety of techniques – sketching, watercolours, pastels, acrylic.  She would often sketch or paint from a photograph, bringing it to life in the form of a picture.  Her work was outstanding and the attention to detail showed great flair and passion.
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Creich Farmhouse holidays 1983-2008

Fay’s family and their friends spent their October holidays at Creich Farmhouse in Fife, a 25 year long tradition
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Childhood Family Holidays

Childhood family holidays were often spent visiting Fay’s grandparents: enjoying the city life in Edinburgh, where Sheila’s parents, Norah and Peter Clark, lived; or cycling round the countryside and exploring rivers, the beach and the forest in Newton Stewart, where Malcolm’s parents, Kitty and Jim Allan, lived.
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Music Workshop

In January 1980, Fay’s mum Sheila, along with a group of parents, set up Woodfarm Music Workshop, its aim being to introduce children to the joy of music-making.  It became a significant part of Fay’s, Heather’s and many of the local children’s childhoods, and it stayed part of Fay’s life well into her adult years. learn more

School holiday jumble sales 1980’s

At about age 13, this was Fay’s first taste of organising a fundraising event… and it led to a lifetime of raising funds and working to help others. learn more