Fay Purves Scholarship, Summer 2021

We were delighted to receive this update from the Fay Purves Scholarship recipient after their first year at Strathclyde University.

The student is studying chemical engineering, and had the following comments to make:

The scholarship has made a huge difference to me as I bought a few extra books to help with consolidating my learning even more. This scholarship has allowed me to focus solely on my studies as it has helped me afford the cost of learning materials. Therefore, I have been able to focus on my work and not depend on my mum to buy me things which was an original worry.

Overall, I would just like to say thanks very much to the donor of the Fay Purves Scholarship for funding my scholarship and giving me this opportunity. This programme has helped me in so many ways and so far made my experience of university the best it could be even in the circumstances of COVID-19. I am honoured to have been awarded this scholarship.

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