Charity Work

From a young age, Fay had a passion for arranging fundraising activities.  She enjoyed getting her friends together and organising jumble sales, balloon releases and sponsored activities.  This carried on throughout her life, and many of us remember her various fundraising adventures including cliff jumping, abseiling, and climbing Mount Kilimanjaro to name but a few.

Her passion for fundraising left an impression on us all.  Fay’s two boys, Fraser and Blair, have been inspired to follow in her footsteps.  And in Fay’s name, we created “Follow All Your Passions”, a means for getting people together and raising funds.

More about Fay's charity work

Another student supported by the Fay Purves Scholarship

A second student has begun their studies at Strathclyde University, funded by the Fay Purves Scholarship.

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FAYP challenge September 2021

Our fundraising idea for 2021 was to “travel” to Kilimanjaro virtually in memory of Fay. The charity we chose was Maggie’s Centres; they were such a great support to Fay during her illness.

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Fay Purves Scholarship, Summer 2021

We were delighted to receive this update from the Fay Purves Scholarship recipient after their first year at Strathclyde University.

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From sponsored famines to cliff jumps

Fay’s passion for fundraising continued beyond her teens, and her activities became more and more daring.  For someone who was afraid of heights, she managed to push herself to her limits several times in order to raise money for charity. learn more

Fundraising Summer Fayre with celebrity autographs

1989’s summer event was a huge success thanks to Fay’s latest fundraising idea.  Tapping into the interests of her peer group, she came up with a clever way to engage everyone in her event. learn more

1988 Balloon release and fame in the local newspaper

Fame at last!  Fay’s efforts were recognised in the “Extra”, the local newspaper for Glasgow South and Eastwood. learn more

Changeworks 2010 – 2018

​​When Blair was little, Fay became involved with the Real Nappy Project, selling and campaigning for the use of reusable nappies. This was through an organisation called Changeworks, something that Fay later became a board member of.  learn more

Artspace2Let 2009 – 2018

Fay described her Artspace2Let role on LinkedIn:

“​Artspace2let is a not-for-profit organisation that arranges the exhibition of art in non-permanent gallery space in Edinburgh. It creates opportunities for artists to gain publicity for their work, giving them the chance to show and sell art publicly, to meet other artists and to gain experience of promoting their artwork.  Artspace2Let organises exhibitions of new and emerging artists’ work. I organise the venues and exhibitions, built and maintain the website and source new artists.”
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Kilimanjaro Trek 2012

Fay’s adventurous spirit took her to many places in the world – one of the most notable being a Kilimanjaro trek in 2012 to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support.
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School holiday jumble sales 1980’s

At about age 13, this was Fay’s first taste of organising a fundraising event… and it led to a lifetime of raising funds and working to help others. learn more