Fundraising Summer Fayre with celebrity autographs

1989’s summer event was a huge success thanks to Fay’s latest fundraising idea.  Tapping into the interests of her peer group, she came up with a clever way to engage everyone in her event.

By this time, Fay was 16 years old and completely mad about pop music and singers (as we all were).  Fay and I and our friends would go to concerts and Radio 1 Roadshows, pour over Smash Hits magazines and be glued to Top of the Pops each week on our TVs.

Fay was planning another charity event, this time a Summer Fayre held in Giffnock Park Church.  She had a brilliant idea for the fayre: how about writing to as many pop singers, groups and celebrities as she could, to see if they would send her autographs to offer as prizes at the fayre.  The results of her efforts were extremely impressive – a letter from Simon Mayo on Radio 1 and autographs from heaps of celebrities including Terry Wogan and Wet Wet Wet!  The Fayre raised a sum of £130 for the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.

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