Tributes received in July 2018

So many lovely messages were sent to Fay and the family during and after Fay’s illness – true testament to how much she touched people’s lives.  All those precious words about Fay became my inspiration for putting this website together.  A life so special and inspiring has to be recorded, so that friends and family can remember the Fay they knew, and learn about the Fay that others knew.  The common themes throughout the tributes to Fay are loud and clear: her kindness, her smile, her courage and her sense of adventure.

Fay’s brother-in-law Steve McLean created three wonderful tribute videos, that were played at Fay’s funeral.  They captured her life and passions and the people in her life, beautifully.  The videos can be accessed here: Fay Purves in Memorium, Fay Purves – A Life Well Lived, Fay Purves – Life Moments Slideshow

“When you’re having some of your toughest times remember that you’ve made a difference to so many people in your chapters of life so far and I’m sure you will continue to do so for the chapters still to come too.  Whatever lies ahead, know that what you’ve done in the chapters so far has mattered to so many of us. There’s a whole crowd of us rooting for you here, and I hope you get some bright times again ahead. Fi x ” From Fiona Leask


“We shared so much! There are many, many stories and things that we shared and far too many of them would not be for a public forum! She was so warm and giving of her time . . . the first time we met (the first day of Uni) I spun her line about not knowing Glasgow and I had no clue where to go for something to eat – she knew I was full of it but she went with it anyway because that was her way: kindness. It was Fay who introduced me to Chris (they had met at an induction day or something) and we all became firm friends . . . I met and befriended Loraine and she became a part of our merry little band and we just clicked . . . we did it all and many a time we ended our nights at the infamous Fury Mury’s (too many times we found ourselves there!) . . . Fay was never a big drinker but she was always having fun and each and every little joke grew arms and legs until it became so particular to us that we only needed to say a word and we would be killing ourselves with laughter . . . one such in-joke was the Green Diary (it featured the picture of two Emperor Penguins on the front, one of which had a new born penguin perched on his flippers (feet?) and I showed it to Chris and said: Haw mate I don’t want to worry you but your penis looks like a penguin! Two grown guys, in the middle of John Smith’s (while Fay shopped for Christmas presents because she was always kind and considerate) and here we were falling about laughing at nothing but our own immaturity – needless to say when we told Fay the joke (if it was ever a joke!) she laughed along with us and it became like a weird bonding moment so much so that I received many a gift of a penguin from Fay and penguins featured heavily on birthday cards over the years . . . she was special and she knew what would make me smile – she always made us smile because she was just so lovely . . . I miss her x (This is not a great story but it is one that shows how close we were) . . . in the aftermath of your mum’s death I wrote Fay a poem and I met her in Glasgow for a drink and a chat – I wanted her to read the poem on her own so I handed it to her and went to the loo . . . to any on-lookers it looked like I was dumping her in a letter because when I got back she was in tears.  I think through time Fay’s sons will both grow to appreciate just how incredible Fay was (on top of how they already feel about her) and they’ll have a model of how to be people who live life to the full . . . always striving for the “what if” moment.”  From James Findlater


“I don’t know if people are saying a few words about what Fay meant to them at the Memorial Service or Saturday but if they are I would be grateful if you could say just a few words on my behalf. Firstly I am sorry I can’t make it but most importantly that since I met her at the Bank of Scotland Graduate Program in 1994 she has been a true friend and I loved spending time with her.  She was the person who lit up a room with her cheerful attitude and her beautiful smile. We always joked about everything and she had the best sense of humour. I will miss her more than I could ever express in words but I am warmed by the fact that she touched my life. When I left Edinburgh to come to the US in 2001, she gave me a compass.  She said it was to guide me on my way….and for finding my way back to her. I thank you for your smile, your friendship and your love. You were a true friend and I will miss you deeply. The stars shine a little less brightly tonight and forever more.” From Chris Francis


“Dearest Heather, I’m the rather annoying little boy who used to follow your sister around during her later years at school and through her university career. After her first couple of years of work at the bank, when I went off to university in Leeds we kind of lost touch, but later, thanks to the blessed Facebook we reconnected. We messaged frequently and managed to talk on the phone a few times a year, when I was very ill a couple of years ago she was wonderful to me. I’ve loved Fay since I was 13. She leaves a hole in our lives. Michael.” From Michael Smith-Tennent


“We shared so many happy times with our boys, though sunny sports days, coffee mornings, committee meetings and nursery shows at Temple Nursery; to school sports days, playground chats, trips, birthday parties and fun throughout Moorfoot Primary school. Swimming trips, chats over coffee and a trip to East Links stick in my mind, as well as a beautiful day at the Botanics. It was almost exactly 3 years ago that we had a day out to East Links with our boys, and Robbie was delighted to break the news that he was finally going to be a big brother. It was the day after we had told him, and he couldn’t wait to tell Blair, Fraser and Fay. I remember sitting in the sun at East Links, having excited conversations, (over a picnic and ice creams!) about what lay ahead – and Fay was just so happy for us. We loved the fact that our boys have such a good bond, along with some of their other Moorfoot friends, and I hope that it gave Fay some comfort to know the boys (and us) will all continue to be there for Blair in the coming years. In June, I spent a couple of hours with Fay, in the sunshine in her garden (I had shared a picture on her fb page)- where we talked about anything, everything and nothing in particular. Caroline (aged 2), was picking daisies and buttercups for Fay, and singing songs to her. It was just a lovely peaceful time. The things that I will always remember about Fay are her beautiful smile, and the way that she really listened, and was so kind. I always really admired the way that Fay was always trying something adventurous and new, and as we get used to life without her, I hope that I can embrace that more for myself- to give things a go! x x”  From Sheila Wallace


“This beautiful lady with the cheeky smile. I loved how we sang together. Showcases, she was always on it and was the first to volunteer every time. She was a harmony queen, so much so that when I thought about doing a harmony group it was a no brainer that I’d ask her, and she jumped on it. Of course that bride wanted the dreariest songs and we could never keep a straight face singing “greatest day”. The bier house gig came out of accidentally harmonising on hallelujah and I turned round and she beamed and then did that wink that she always did when she was excited about something.”  From Gill Turnbull


“Thinking of everyone who was touched by Fay’s inspiring spirit. I’m grateful to have known her since we all went to primary school together. Grateful that we stayed in touch and met on a memorable occasion, even when I moved abroad. What an inspiring, kind, creative and gentle sweet soul. Fay had such a beautiful spirit.”  From Rozina Spinnoy 


“I’m so very sorry. I worked beside a Fay and Brian. Your words are beautiful. She was the nicest person I’ve ever met. You must be so proud . Massive hugs, I miss that smile xx  A beautiful, inspirational and wonderful soul. Will miss your positivity and gentleness. You fought this to the bitter end with a gorgeous smile.”  From Claire Creese


“So sorry to hear about your sister. She was such a special lass as you well know!”  From Alisdair Macdonald


“Jim and I are so very sorry that Fay developed cancer and that the outcome was her death. But she was fantastic in the way she handled it and she did conquer it despite the outcome, because of her attitude and determination. Her two boys can be very proud of her.”  From Angela Cassels


“The last time Fay and I met was on our trip back to the UK in 2007 – we had a day out with our kids in Edinburgh. I was so pleased she was keen to make the trip into the city to see us – that thoughtfulness was typical of Fay. It was the best day.  Fay, I can’t believe you’re gone. So many lovely memories.
P.S. That washing machine Halloween costume was the best ever!
P.P.S. I forgive you for being part of the “gang of (quite annoying) wee sisters who used to break into my bedroom and steal my Sindy doll (she WAS the best looking one in the house). It took a lot of stealth to do so and replace her back in the exact same spot – I didn’t find out until years and years later!”  From Shona Cassels


“Our singer Fay Purves passed away Saturday, after taking on cancer with completely characteristic energy and positivity. Like many people out there I’m devastated, of course. Not only was she a force of nature, she was very good at making others feel they were a force of nature too.  I really loved having Fay Purves in my life. Today we celebrated a life truly well lived. I felt very much welcomed by and connected to the others at her funeral, very few of whom I knew when I went there. My love, thanks and thoughts go to all of them, and the rest of those who knew her.
It felt like a journey; as people spoke of her and her life, I found myself thinking, wow, that would have been great to have been part of that. As was said – she wrung every moment out of life.
And then the penny dropped. I WAS part of that. We all have been. I kept hearing the word adventure today, and that’s what Fay was. And part of Fay was that she always welcomed you into her adventures, and helped you make them your own.
Another word I heard a lot today was kindness, and how kind she was. I always knew her to be warm, kind and compassionate. Today I truly got what a fundamental thing it was for her, what an anchor and a guiding star.
Such a privilege to have known her.  I first met her quite a few years ago business networking. Cocktails and music (including karaoke, she was always very kind about my efforts) were what we particularly connected over. When we formed Astronaut Canteen there couldn’t have been any other singer for us. And of course we had to have a cocktail, the Astronaut Cantini.  She really grabbed life by the scruff of the neck and encouraged so many of the rest of us to do likewise. One in a million indeed.”  From Mark Lister


“Saying goodbye to Fay, she was one of a kind. Our lives are better for having known her. When it’s my time, I want the courage and positivity that Fay showed. She met her own mortality head-on. What a trooper.”  From John Grant Forrest


“The beautiful ones that get called home far to soon. Fay Purves you were an inspiration to so so many.  Saying a fond farewell to one of the nicest people on this planet this afternoon was moving and very emotional. Meeting Fay was my moment of serendipity, she was awesome, funny, beautiful, and dedicated. Fay Purves the only time you could make us cry tears of sadness was by having to slip away on a cloud of silent sparkle, and then seeing you arrive on time for your final farewell today. Everyone felt it today, you leaving was too soon Fay, but we all felt special to be a part of your life. The service was beautiful, as was Fay. This world is a little less gilded without you Fay xxx”  From Lainy Allison


“Am absolutely heartbroken to hear the news that my lovely friend has passed away. An amazing woman who always lit up my life and everyone else’s.
This afternoon we said goodbye to one of the loveliest people I have ever met.  It was very emotional but such a beautiful send off. Rest peacefully Fay. Love you always, my little Kylie xx”  From Lewis KD


“Every year in primary school our boys shared their birthdays parties together with the best being at Xscape Glasgow. Gangnam style dancing in the chalet restaurant after skiing!
However my most memorable moment of Fay was on the day of my Mum’s funeral as Fay brought her son to the house to support my son with no asking she was just there. An act of human kindness I will never forget! Thoughtful, caring, and giving.
I believe the human spirit lives on and Fay’s wonderfully adventurous, fun loving, and caring personality will leave a legacy to all that knew her x”  From Liz Ritchie


“She loved, was loved, made a difference in the world and we are all better for knowing her.”  From Alison Nisbet Craske


“Carefree Childhood Memories of Fay from annual family holidays at Creich Farmhouse.
Bike rides to Brunton
Mickey the Bull
The HUGE scary wardrobe
Midnight Feasts (including Brenda)
Being at the children’s table for dinner
Haystack Jumping
Coat flying at the top of the hill
Life and time are precious and cut short, but memories and love remain forever, Anna xxxx”  From Anna Cuthbert


“I only met Fay a couple of times, but she was always so full of life and energy. It’s unbelievable that this shining light has gone. My heart goes out to her wonderful sister Heather, and to everyone who loved her. I will always remember Fay as Dorothy, from the Wizard of Oz, at Grant’s 40th birthday party. I’m sure Fay has taken the party on with her…”  From Heather Shand


“The loss of Fay has cut deep to the quick of all our hearts and souls keeping us awake at night and in a daze by day. In the early hours I took a little solace in these words by the Great Maya Angelou, and feel compelled to share. The last stanza reassures that Fay’s energy still connects us all with the continuity of her spirit. Whatever each of us believes, whether we call it love, soul, spirit, peace, joy or memory …. Fay existed/She existed./We can be/Be and be better/For she existed.
“When Great Trees Fall”
When great trees fall,
rocks on distant hills shudder,
lions hunker down
in tall grasses,
and even elephants
lumber after safety.
When great trees fall
in forests,
small things recoil into silence,
their senses
eroded beyond fear.
When great souls die,
the air around us becomes
light, rare, sterile.
We breathe, briefly,
Our eyes, briefly,
see with
a hurtful clarity.
Our memory, suddenly sharpened,
gnaws on kind words
promised walks never taken.
Great souls die and
our reality, bound to
them, takes leave of us.
Our souls,
dependent upon their
now shrink, wizened.
Our minds, formed
and informed by their
fall away.
We are not so much maddened
as reduced to the unutterable ignorance
of dark, cold
And when great souls die,
after a period peace blooms,
slowly and always
irregularly. Spaces fill
with a kind of
soothing electric vibration.
Our senses, restored, never
to be the same, whisper to us.
They existed. They existed.
We can be. Be and be
better. For they existed.
by Maya Angelou”

From Joanna Boyce


“I should have stayed for that cup of tea but didn’t want you to use precious energy better spent with your boys. I thought next time when you have more energy. I suspect you would have smiled and encouraged me to seize the moment. Returning 17 days later to an Edinburgh without Fay is surreal and so wrong. My thoughts are with all your family and friends. I will miss your smiling positivity but am grateful you have no more pain. Cx”  From Caroline Madden


“I was so captured by her smile. She was always smiling. She always made me feel so welcome. I am deaf but she was always listening to me what I have to say. She treated me like a normal person. She was non-judgemental and inclusive. Her smile lights up a room. Inspired by her smile. It makes me want to smile too and smile to others. Her kind spirit. She is so unique. She is a gem, probably more like a sparkling diamond because of her smile. WILL NEVER FORGET HER SMILE. Loving soul. To my dear Fay Purves, I did your painting today. I was so captured by your beautiful smile. You always smile. Your smile always makes me stop & think twice. Your gorgeous smile is emitting loving vibes with compassion. Your smile is non-judgemental and inclusive. You are compassionate about the plight of humans. You are a gem, more like a sparkling diamond because of your smile. You are an angel with a beautiful smile. Goodbye….go…and fly. Watching over your loved ones.”  From Tania Allan


“So so sad at the news that my dear friend in Scotland, Fay Purves has lost her bravely fought battle with cancer. Diagnosed only 11 weeks ago or so, she was amazingly inspirational in her posts here and her spirit will NEVER die. I met her selling cloth nappies 11/12 years ago and we became friends. She helped me through some pretty tough personal stuff and was always so fun, positive and supportive. I feel blessed to have known her and I send Ewan, her lovely boys and all her family my very best wishes and sincerest condolences. Myself and my daughter Amélie met up with Fay and Ewan just over 3 years ago when I celebrated my move away from Scotland and back to my native France. A great night, the last time I saw her… Lang may yer lum in heaven reek!! Xxxxx”   From Arielle Schnepp


“So, the plan today was to take the girls to see Mamma Mia, here we go again. However, I woke this morning to hear the awful news that my dear, dear friend Fay had lost her brave battle with cancer. It didn’t seem right to go and if truth be told I wasn’t really in the mood. Then I thought about Fay. We met when we both worked for Bank of Scotland, on the same floor at Teviot House in Edinburgh. We ended up on mat leave together with our first borns Fraser and Emily. I struggled a bit after Emily was born and it was Fay who dragged me to all the baby groups, then along to thighs, bums and tums and Dalkeith Country park and Vogrie for lots of walks. It was Fay who persuaded me to leave Emily at home, with Martin, and head for the playhouse to see the original Mamma Mia. We laughed, sang, danced and cried our way through it. So today I went to see Mamma Mia, HWGA and remembered my beautiful, lovely, reliable, strong and effervescent friend Fay. To Euan, Fraser, Blair and all of Fay’s family I am thinking of you all at this very difficult time. I feel very blessed to have known Fay x”  From Nicola McIntyre


“She was an absolute angel..will miss her dearly!”  From Syma Shahid

“Beautiful Fay. I love you like a sister. Thank you for the decades of friendship.”  From Ruth Allison


“Remembering the vibrant Fay Purves. My heart is broken to have to say goodbye but your spirit and love for life will remain in the hearts of all who lived and knew her.”  From Julia Catherine Boxer-Peden


“An extremely kind, unbelievably generous and beautiful soul, who was always full of fun”  From Jayne Bonnar


“A wonderful, talented, kind, beautiful woman. Those words don’t even begin to describe how truly amazing she was. Will miss you Fay. Thank you for all you gave to so many people. The world is a brighter and more musical place because of you. I have fond memories of singing Barenaked Ladies songs with you at Karaoke! You have been and always will be so deeply loved.”  From Liz Jarvis


“I’ve known Fay for less than a year, but I was always impressed with her indomitable spirit, can-do attitude and phenomenal talent. I have so much love for everyone feeling the loss of such a bright soul from the world. RIP Fay. The world is a less awesome place without you.”  From Paul Wilson


“Fay always lived life to the full, and more, and was an inspiration to us all.”  From Barbara Wait


“I can only properly speak of the professional Fay. Smart, diligent, highly motivated and a consummate professional. A huge pleasure to have worked with her.”  From Peter Matza


“Fay was one special lady and i will always remember her positive zest for life and her constant smile.”  From Gordon Allan 


“We all loved that woman and her amazing zest and energy.” From Jamie Turnbull 


“Fay was such a wonderful and amazing lady and I was so lucky to have a little time with her last year when we were up with the family. I will miss her and her beautiful smile.”  From Irene Gibson


“I have known Fay for just over a year as the singer for the band Astronaut Canteen. She was always unfailingly committed, passionate, easy to be with and just plain old friendly and open. In that time I have learned to open up, this has further deepened as Fay shared openly about her illness – extraordinarily courageous. She is sorely missed.”  From Mark Hibbert 


“Fay was such a delight in helping me a few years ago with my internet business. Her smile, friendliness and enthusiasm I will never forget. Having lost my wife from cancer, I found it hard to read her recent extraordinary and brave FB posts. I can only imagine how much Fay loved those closest to her. A loving soul indeed.” From Brian Thomson 


“She was so beautiful, kind, funny & had a smile that could light up any room. I had some great nights out with her and I will always remember them as amazing times. I’m thankful for all the awesome memories I have. I will miss her dearly.”  From Kenzie Bo Benzie 

“I started my market research career with Fay and Tom Kerr in 2016. We screwed up a mailing and sent thousands of people letters asking why they closed their account. Trouble was we forgot to exclude those who had died. So we spent five days on the phone dealing with grieving relatives. She was so kind and compassionate to them. That’s what I remember about Fay. Her kindness.”  From Brenda Kelly 


“Fay was someone that walked onto my path through life and offered such delight and pleasure as well as many new connections. A unique and talented friend that will be missed x”  From Heather Yang


“When I worked with Fay I was always bowled over by her infectious enthusiasm and her ability to see the upside in everything. So clever, so witty, so unfailingly good.” From Lauren Sargent


“Fay taught me to play recorder for years when I was young, she would come to our house every week and became a real friend to our family. I still have such strong memories of what a lovely person she was.”  From Anna Formstone 


“Fay’s light brought joy and fun to so many worlds, and those worlds will all be dimmer with her passing.  It’s many years since I last saw Fay in person, having worked with her at Bank of Scotland when we were trainees together. Fay always brought energy and enthusiasm to all the projects and classes we had and to the big nights out too! I have a photo of Fay as she always was at work – a ray of sunshine yellow in a sea of corporate black and white.”  From Jennifer McGregor


“I remember the day we all met, Jennifer McGregor, and how cheerful and friendly Fay was, and continued to be. She always inspired me with how full of life she was, and that never changed, even when I last saw her just last month she was still full of life. I was grateful for her friendship and will miss her, although I’ll make sure she continues to inspire me. A wonderful lady who lived life to the full and was an example to us all.”  From Andrea Smedley


“I met Fay through aerial classes & remember how warm & friendly she was. She had a beautiful smile & one of the most positive people I have met.”  From Lynn Skene


“She was an inspiration.”  From Patricia Thom


“Sending love and wishes for peace to all of your family, now that Fay is onto her final and infinite adventure.”  From Joette Thomas 


“Our lives crossed paths occasionally over more than 10 years and it was always a pleasure when they did. The world is a poorer place now.”  From Keith Revels


“Fay was one of the loveliest people I ever had the pleasure of knowing xxx”  From Alison Herbertson


“Only met Fay on the Kilimanjaro trek a few years ago but she was a wonderful lady. I was privileged to have spent some time trekking with her.”  From Malcolm Jones


“A beautiful soul, inside and out.”   From Sarah Cran


“Have known Fay since high school, always a beautiful person. I have lots of lovely memories of our friendship.”  From Lesley Moffat


“Fay was such lovely, genuine and warm person who would do anything for you.”  From Lesley Robertson


“I remember Fay as such a cheery person from school.”  From Paul Tritschler


“I loved working with Fay and have many happy memories of those times. A truly lovely person who will be missed by so many people.” From Claire Rogers


“I met Fay during the trip to Kilimanjaro – a lovely lady. Her strength, bravery and courage over the last weeks have been inspirational.”  From Chris Hamer


“Fay was a lovely person who I enjoyed trekking up Mount Kilimanjaro with for macmillan. Her courage has been inspirational.”  From Hannah Hughes


“I met wonderful Fay through Artspace2let. A Fabulous organisation that helps emerging artist show off their work whilst bringing some colour to the walls of local businesses. I feel so privileged to have met Fay, she brightened up the world spreading, beauty, colour and kindness wherever she went.”  From Emma Pauley


“She was lovely, kind and generous.”  From Beth Nicola Popa


“An incredible lady who I was lucky enough to meet on a trek to Kilimanjaro.”  From Alex Robertson


“I met Fay through our singing lessons with Rear View Music which led to a couple of concerts where I am so proud to have shared the the rehearsal room and stage with her. I feel utterly privileged to have spent time with this warm, funny, courageous, kind person with such a beautiful, beautiful soul. She’ll be much missed in the lives of anyone who knew her.” From John Ross


“Will always remember Fay so fondly from school days – a beautiful person inside and out. Hadn’t seen her for many years but was nice to stay in touch through Facebook. She dealt with her illness with such strength and dignity and all of these posts show how much she was loved by so many people. ” From Jacqui Mcelhiney


“Such a warm and lovely person – she’ll be sorely missed.”  From Fiona KA


“A kind, engaged, fun, thoughtful and interested person, who’ll be sorely missed.”  From the Armstrongs


“I met Fay in ‘98 or ‘99, working in market research at bank of Scotland. Fay did nothing in half measures – we had to do a presentation about our team at an away day, and she turned it into a show-stopping video production. I watched her zipwire across the Clyde from the finnieston crane once. I was lucky enough to continue working with her when we both went self-employed. Her constant smile and boundless energy and enthusiasm are things I’ll never forget.”  From Jane Mackay


“Fay was an amazing person, so positive & really great fun to be around. I will always have happy memories of team torro” From Eva Mackay


“I am so sorry to hear the news that the world is without the ineffable spirit that is Fay. She will be sorely missed by so many.”  From Daisy Dinwoodie


“Fay has always been a shining light and we will miss her smiley face.”  From Adeline Tan, Chee-Wee, Yu-Lei and Euan.


“Fay was a truly beautiful person and it was my privilege to know her.” From Blaise Donald

“Having known Fay since the first day at Woodfarm we shared many happy times in music and in particular in S6 performing the Snowman around local primaries and the Wizard of Oz at the end of our time at School. Happy days.”  From Kenneth Robertson


“Fay was a beautiful loving mother taken to soon. What an incredibly strong and inspirational woman.”  From Donna Lyall


“I also met Fay when I began my career in bank of Scotland. I was honoured when she agreed to sing solo at my wedding in ‘99. She had such a beautiful voice and she blew everyone away. It’s so sad that she has been taken from this world early but I know her spirit will live on.”  From Claire Moyles


“So sad – the world has lost a lovely lady.”  From Mike Howard


“Fay was such a generous , kind and positive person – even in the face of this dreadful diagnosis. We have lost a remarkable young woman far too young.” From Sue Downie


“I worked with Fay for many years during my time at Bank Of Scotland – she became an amazing friend and mentor at work. I fondly named her “the wee yin” in the team, her petite size contained a soul, energy and kindness larger than life itself and she shone so brightly at everything she did and with all of those who were lucky to have met her. Intelligent, funny, sensitive, emotionally strong, her positive energy and enthusiasm was endless and she was so, so kind – I loved every moment of the times I spent with her as a friend and colleague and have always cherished those memories. The world has become a darker place but the sky will shine so much brighter and her memory will live through all of us who have been fortunate enough to share her company, beauty and spirit.”  From Kenny May


“I remember Fay from primary and secondary, music groups, Brownies etc as a gentle, kind person, who was also very determined. My mum, and all our family, remember Sheila, Fay and Heather’s mum, with a great deal of affection. Fay and I had only kept in touch on here but I was so moved by how she dealt with her illness. Her dignity and honesty were inspiring.”  From Elaine Van Den Akker


“Fay was always smiling and such a kind, lovely person. She will be missed by everyone who knew her.”  From Pam Osborne


“Our kids went to school together , she was always such a nice pleasant woman, she will be sorely missed….”  From Chris Tait


“Fay was full of life and I am sure that is how she will be remembered by all who knew her.”  From Nigel Watt


“Her fight and positivity towards her illness was amazing and she blew me away with how open and honest she was through it all. I first met Fay when she came to aerial classes I taught. She was such a supporter of them all.”  From Jennifer Paterson


“Fay was beautiful inside and out.”  From Pam Willoughby


“Fay, as you have so perfectly described so brave, bold but so dignified! For such a wee lass she has a sure strong step.”  From Kaleigh-Jane Scott


“I remember Fay from school as being a clever and talented girl who was always positive in life.”  From Scott Russell


“I know we hadn’t seen each other for 25 years, since our Strathclyde Uni days, but Facebook kept us in touch. You have been so brave, and didn’t give up, you have been an inspiration to us, and we’ll miss your indomitable spirit!” From Louise Primrose


“I first met Fay at university where her smile brightened many a dull day at Strathclyde.  Social media meant I got to regularly see that smile again, when she was pictured with her beloved boys, on holiday with Ewan Scott, singing with her friends or hanging upside down from a trapeze or silks. Very definitely a life well lived.  A beautiful soul taken far too soon, my deepest sympathy to the whole family, I hope you can take some comfort from all these messages showing the positive impact that she had on us all.”  From Robert Taylor


“I also knew her from working at BoS, she was lovely, full of energy, life and fun. Beautiful Fay”  From Lynne Hancock


“She was so lovely and open and kind hearted.”  From Jennifer Jamieson O’Neil


“Her kindness, generosity and mischievousness will be greatly missed.”  From Man Yuen Luk 


“Such a brave beautiful woman”  From Fiona Delahay


“Until we meet again over the bridge my beautiful friend the sky will shine a little brighter with you in it – you touched so many hearts”  From Louise Cook


“I met Fay when I graduated from Art School. With Artspace2let she helped me sell a couple pieces of art and that in turn gave me the independence I needed to make bigger decisions.  She was truly a great person.”  From Rich Cormack


“I hadn’t seen Fay for about 10 years but always remember her passion for home births, positive attitude and lovely personality.”  From Arja Norris


“I will always remember Fay’s big smile from school days.”  From Karen Wallace


“Your partner, your family, your friends will cherish the memories we have of you xxxx”  From Francesca Levoir


“I’m having one of these moments when I’m saying to myself, god, i wished i had known her better. I met Fay via artspace2let, without her i had no outlet, she was wonderful. Full of life and energy and so giving. Fay, will never be forgotten she will stay with me forever especially when i get back into painting and having a time of it trying to hang the damn things. I will always remember her for that, hanging paintings and her spirit always sunny side up.  Fay, thank you for your kindness, understanding and your precious time. Love Rob”  From Rob at Beyond Sight


“Fay was an absolute ray of sunshine! I did many classes with her over the years including a weekend in Ireland to hang upside down on a wall. She had the most amazing and positive vibe.”  From Sally Ann


“Fay was a bright light, a face I was always happy to see in class, at aerial events and around Edinburgh. What a lovely person, always with a smile and warm presence. I admire immensely her bravery in confronting her illness. I wish her a peaceful onward journey and her family and partner strength”  From Lucy Deacon


“It is with great sadness that I write of the death of my friend Fay Purves. I know that everyone who was ever connected with Artspace2let will join with me in sending condolences to Fay’s family and especially to her sons and her partner Ewan, for whom this is an immeasurably sad time. Fay was a good friend and colleague, a wise and trusted confidante; she was the rock upon which all of Artspace2let rested. Fay was wonderfully encouraging and supportive in the early years of Artspace2let and nothing we did could have been achieved without her. Fay was unremittingly positive, full of energy, and truly inspirational. Everyone with whom she had any contact will be aware of the terrible loss we experience by her death. We mourn the loss of Fay but remember the many wonderful times in her infectiously sparkling company. Goodbye Fay, and thank you.”  Posted by Craig Cross on the ArtSpace2Let facebook page


“I have only had the pleasure of knowing her for one year but the support and belief she had in my artwork will not be forgotten.”  From Jenny Haslimeier


“Fay was a very kind person. I didn’t know her well, but she was someone who seemed to work selflessly to help others, especially artists, which was the context I knew her best in. Her loss is being felt widely, which is a testament to her character.”  From Paul Ditch


“Fay was SO supportive, so selfless. I’d have put money on her beating her illness, such was her positive attitude.”   From Jock Ferguson


“She was a wonderful person who gave lots of us the opportunity to show our work and she always bent over backwards to help set us up. She’ll be missed in the community.”  From Iain Kendall


“A Huge Loss, everyone at Embo was shocked that this could happen to someone SO lovely and giving, all our thoughts go out to her family who I hope can take some small comfort for the many kind comments left, testament to how positive a person she was!”  From Mike Embo


“She was a very memorable person – I only met her a few times but she feels clear in my mind.”  From Martyn McKenzie


“Fay was always so kind and went out of her way to help me each time I met her to exhibit my work.”  From Catriona Simpson

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